Monday 12 January 2015

This is the Corel DRAW Certificate Format for Corel Designers

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Microsoft annouces the new Surface Pro 3 with a 12″ screen

At its “small gathering” event in New York City today, Microsoft announced the Surface Pro 3.

“We want to build experiences that bring together all the capabilities of our company,” Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said on stage. “Today is a major milestone on that journey. It starts with dreaming the impossible. Can we design a device that combines the best of a tablet and laptop?”

Clearly Microsoft thinks it has achieved that goal. Or, at least, it is constantly pushing closer and closer towards achieving that goal.

It’s worth noting that Microsoft unveiled the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 just eight months ago. At the time, the Surface line was reduced to $449 while the Surface Pro remained at $899.
Source: Naijagist
Regards: Foreman Abiola 

Genius only!!! Solve this if you can

Enugu State College of Education Admission into Full-Time (Regular) Degree Programmes for 2014/2015 Academic Session

Enugu State College of Education Admission into Full-Time (Regular) Degree Programmes for 2014/2015 Academic Session

The National Universities Commission (NUC) has approved the affiliation between the Enugu State College of Education (Technical), Enugu and Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, for the Award of Degree in the following programmes. Department of Education Foundation Economics Education English Language Political Science lgbo Language Fine and Applied Art Education. Department of Library and Information science
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Source: Enugu State College of Education Admission into Full-Time (Regular) Degree Programmes for 2014/2015 Academic Session
Regards: Foreman Abiola

Types Of Women You Should Never Date

If you want to have a successful relationship or marriage, there are some kinds of girls you should not get involved with. When you realize that you are dating one of these women – it is better to leave to save your sanity, time and money.

 1. She is a liar

This girl can be extremely charming and intelligent. At first you wouldn’t realize that she is lying. She can tell you tales which never happened just to impress you. And some time later she just starts lying to you for no reasons. If you catch her, she would try to convince you with another lie. And then confess to you that she lied. And because of your love, you keep forgiving her. But you should better not allow a chronic liar to ruin your life.

2. Money lover

She is a nightmare of all Nigerian men. She is addicted to buying whatever she wants and whatever she thinks looks good. These girls are rarely satisfied, and continue to look for new perfumes, jewelry or clothes. Her biggest aim is to have a huge wardrobe. Or to look like some Nollywood star. She can’t stop buying even if you are not earning enough for her. It is her habit. So she will date any man who can pay  her. If you can’t, she will easily dump you for someone richer.

3. Lazy girl

There is nothing wrong with her health. But her favorite hobby is lying on her back and watching TV. She hates to do any chores. This girl hunts for a man who will become her ‘guarding angel’ and will ‘protect’ her.  So she will let you to get very close to her, just to turn you into her slave. If she does not change with time – she is surely not your partner. It is better to leave her behind, because she will drain you.
Source: Naijagist
Regards: Foreman Abiola

10 Rules to enjoying a Relationship

Nowadays, people can more easily define a “basic bitch” than their own relationship status. While the times
With all due respect to Pat Benatar, love doesn’t have to be a battlefield; we all just need to agree on a few basic ground rules. So, whether you’re a guy or a girl, gay or straight, looking for love or just a good lay, here are your 10 commandments of modern dating.

1. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Feelings

Let’s be real here: Are you actually into this person or are you keeping him on the back burner in case nothing better comes along? If it’s the latter, channel your inner Moses and let those people go.

You might hurt his feelings in the moment, but you’ll be doing him a favor in the long run. Trust.

2. Thou Shalt Honor Honesty Above All Else

Ditch the Tough Guy and Cool Girl act already and be yourself. If whomever you’re seeing can’t appreciate the real you, then let it be their loss. Let your freak flag fly!

Someone who really likes you will appreciate your special snowflake-ness above all else. Who knows, you might even a share a few quirks.

3. Thou Shalt Not Judge Based on Superficiality

You’ll only date someone taller than 6’0″? Only be seen with someone smaller than a size 4? Stop picturing what Instagram filter you’ll use and start imagining your day-to-day relationship.

Would you call that person to bitch about your boss? Could your friends survive an entire weekend away with him? Consider these your new baseline requirements.

People will spend .000035 seconds evaluating the hotness of your significant other then go right back to figuring out which “Girls” character they’re most like from a Buzzfeed quiz. That’ll be it.

4. Thou Shalt Have Sex Whenever Thou Is Ready

Buying dinner is not a one-way ticket inside someone’s pants, nor should you expect it to be. In the same regard, waiting until after the stereotypical three dates does not ensure a healthy, long-term relationship.

Go with your gut, and do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. In today’s Tinder-verse, everyone and anyone can get laid if they really want to, so just be real about what you want.

If being that upfront sounds more awkward than waking up next to a stranger, I’d start questioning your logic.

5. Thou Shalt Not Covet The “Timeline”

Ah, the timeline. In a perfect Stepford world, everyone would find the lid to their pot by 22, be married by 26 and pop babies out by 30. Alas, we live in reality. And, by the way, it’s much better out here.

Life is not a race with some imaginary finish line, so stop comparing your journey to everyone else’s. Being a real adult is about finding out what makes you happy and going for it. Everything else will fall into place after that.

6. Thou Shalt Not Take Everything Personally

A very wise friend once wrote, “Ultimately, it is completely possible to be absolutely in love with someone who is wrong for you.” Remember, you are no less valuable just because one individual doesn’t feel the same spike in hormones as you do. They just weren’t the right one.

7. Thou Shalt Believe Those Who Say They Aren’t Interested

They may not always say it outright (see: commandment one), but people who are no longer invested let it be known.

If they ignore you, cancel plans constantly without a valid excuse and generally don’t make you important, they are sending a clear message. Listen up, pay attention and move the frig on.

8. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery (Sidenote: Also A Real Commandment)

I recently rekindled with an old flame only to learn after our date that he’s already in a serious relationship. Bad move. It’s time for all of us to grow up and be honest with each other. If you’re unhappy in your current relationship, end it before moving on. Case closed.

9. Remember Thine Own Heartbreak

We’ve all been there: the tears, the overindulgence in junk food, the righteous indignation when relaying the story to friends. But do we ever consider the effects when we’re the villains in this scenario?

Not every ex-girlfriend is crazy, not every former boyfriend is an asshole, but we should all take a little responsibility for when we’ve played those roles.

That doesn’t mean whipping ourselves nightly (unless you’re into that sort of thing) or banishing ourselves to a lifetime of loneliness. It just means learning from our past mistakes.

10. Thou Shalt Do Unto Others, As Thou Would Have Them Do Unto You

Feelings are bound to get hurt when emotions are this involved, but it all comes down to Aretha Franklin and her famous spelling bee: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. As long as we can all agree to that, the other commandments will fall into place.
Source: Naijagist
Regards: Foreman Abiola