Sunday 4 January 2015

How to improve mental health, well-being in 2015

AS we enter 2015 today, many of us are thinking about resolutions for the new year. But while the majority of our goals for 2015 will incorporate improvements in physical health - such as hitting the gym and losing weight - have you thought about how you could improve your mental health?
     According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is an integral part of health; indeed, there is no health without mental health.
     This is a statement that is supported by numerous studies. One from 2012 published in The BMJ, for example, found that individuals with poor mental health are at increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
    Other research recently reported by Medical News Today linked mental illness to a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.
    What is more, studies have associated poor mental health with gender discrimination, social exclusion, increased risk of violence and crime and an unhealthy lifestyle.
   But what is the definition of good mental health? WHO say it is a “state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
     The United Kingdom (UK’s) Mental Health Foundation also describe good mental health as the ability to learn, form good relationships with others and express, manage and feel an array of positive and negative emotions.
    In this spotlight feature, we look at some ways in which you could improve your mental health and well-being, ready to take on whatever life throws at you in 2015.
Adopting a healthy diet
    Most of us are aware that a healthy, balanced diet is beneficial for physical health. It can help with weight maintenance and protect against a range of illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
    But following a healthy diet also has benefits for mental well-being. As the Mental Health Foundation state: “Your brain needs a mix of nutrients to stay healthy and function well, just like the other organs in your body.”
    One of the healthiest diets is considered to be the Mediterranean diet, which incorporates high consumption of beans, nuts, cereals, seeds, plant-based foods and fruits. The diet is also low in saturated fat, includes moderate consumption of fish, poultry and dairy, and low consumption of meats and sugary foods.
    Experts say following a healthy diet is beneficial for good mental health and well-being.
    A 2012 study reported by MNT revealed that the Mediterranean diet is not only good for physical health, but it is also beneficial for mental well-being. And in 2013, another study of almost 11,000 middle-aged women found that those who followed a Mediterranean diet not only lived longer than control participants, but they also had better cognitive function and mental health.
    “Maintaining physical, cognitive and mental health with aging may provide a more powerful incentive for dietary change than simply prolonging life or avoiding any single chronic disease,” said the researchers of that study.
    In September, MNT also reported on a study published in BMJ Open suggesting that eating five portions of fruits and vegetables a day is good for mental well-being.
     The research team - led by Dr. Saverio Stranges of the University of Warwick Medical School in the UK - found that of 14,000 adults, 35.5 per cent of participants who ate five or more portions of fruits and vegetables a day had good mental well-being, compared with 6.8 per cent of participants who ate less than one portion a day.
    “These novel findings suggest that fruit and vegetable intake may play a potential role as a driver, not just of physical, but also of mental well-being in the general population,” said Dr. Stranges.
    There are a number of foods and drinks that are associated with poor mental health. “The foods and drinks that most often cause problems are those containing sugar, artificial additives (E numbers) and caffeine, as spikes in our intake in these can be detrimental to our mental health,” Sam Challis, information manager of UK mental health charity Mind, told MNT.
    High alcohol consumption has also been linked to increased risk of anxiety and depression, therefore mental health experts recommend limiting alcohol intake to promote good mental well-being.
Regular exercise
     Physical activity is important for all aspects of health, including mental well-being. The US Department of Health and Human Services recommend that adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise.
     But you do not have to engage in long, dull sessions on the treadmill to reap the mental health benefits of exercise. Recently, MNT reported on a study by researchers from the University of Michigan, which found that group nature walks could promote good mental well-being.
    “Walking is an inexpensive, low risk and accessible form of exercise, and it turns out that combined with nature and group settings, it may be a very powerful, under-utilized stress buster,” said study leader Dr. Sara Warber, associate professor of family medicine at the University of Michigan, adding:
    “Our findings suggest that something as simple as joining an outdoor walking group may not only improve someone’s daily positive emotions but may also contribute a non-pharmacological approach to serious conditions like depression.”
    Challis noted that research from Mind also found that nine out of 10 individuals who took part in green exercise activities, such as walking and gardening, reported improved mood. Other studies have shown that outdoor exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Challis told MNT: “Being cooped up indoors or living a largely sedentary lifestyle both at the office and on the sofa at home can have a knock-on effect on mental health. Getting physically fit and achieving personal goals boosts our confidence and self-esteem and helps combat feelings of hopelessness, which can often come over us when we’re feeling low.”
Get more sleep
     It is common knowledge that sleep problems can affect our mental well-being. A 2010 study by researchers from the George Institute on Global Health in Australia found that people who have less than five hours sleep a night may be at higher risk of mental illness.
   “Too little sleep over a sustained period can leave you vulnerable to developing mental health problems,” says Sam Challis.
    “Sleep problems - even quite mild ones - can damage your well-being and quality of life,” Challis told us. “Too little sleep over a sustained period can leave you vulnerable to developing mental health problems, but there are lots of things that you can do to improve your chances of getting a good night’s sleep.”
    The Mayo Clinic recommend going to bed and getting up at the same time every day - even at the weekends and during holidays - as a routine can boost the body’s sleep-wake cycle, promoting a better night’s sleep.
    A bedtime ritual - such as a warm bath or reading a book - may also encourage better sleep, as such rituals tell the body it is time to wind down. “Electrical screens, TVs, computers and phones all stimulate your brain, making it hard to relax, so it’s best to switch them off in advance, to help you switch off,” noted Challis.
   Challis also told us that the sleep environment is important for a good night’s sleep, and that most people tend to sleep better in a cool, dark and quiet room.
   A high intake of alcohol, caffeine and sugary foods in the evening can disrupt sleep patterns, so experts recommend limiting their use for a better night’s sleep.
Manage stress
    All of us experience stress at some point. Whether a result of work, relationships or money problems, it is widely accepted that stress can take a toll on our mental health.
    In February, MNT reported on a study by researchers from the University of California-Berkeley that found stress could make the brain more susceptible to mental illness. But there are ways in which we can reduce or manage stress to promote better mental well-being.
   Numerous studies have reported the stress-reducing benefits of yoga and mindfulness-based meditation. A 2008 study published in PLOS ONE found that the activities put the body into a state of rest by changing its gene response to stress. A more recent study found that yoga might reduce the risk of anxiety and depression in expectant mothers.
   Staying positive during difficult times may also reduce stress. A 2012 study published in the journal Psychological Science found that smiling during stressful periods could lower the body’s stress response, regardless of whether a person is feeling happy or sad.
    Adopting the lifestyle changes mentioned previously - such as a healthy diet, regular exercise and quality sleep - can also help combat stress. “Other useful techniques for managing ongoing stress include making lists to help put things into perspective, taking regular breaks and being assertive about not taking on too much,” said Challis.
    When it comes to tackling work-related stress, Challis told MNT: “Developing good relationships with colleagues so you can build up a network of support and confiding in someone you trust, at work or outside, about what upsets you or makes you feel stressed can help you feel on top of workplace stress.”
Get into paid or voluntary work, or take up a hobby
    But although employment can cause stress, being unemployed may be even more detrimental to mental health.
    “Concentrating on a hobby, like gardening or the crossword, can help you forget your worries for a while and change your mood,” say experts from the Mental Health Foundation.
    “Being in paid employment is generally considered to be a good thing,” Challis said. “It’s more than just a way of earning a living: it provides identity, contact and friendship with other people, a way of putting structure in your life and an opportunity to meet goals and to contribute. And while it’s possible to embrace an alternative point of view, and thrive without paid work, unemployment is linked with poor physical and mental health and poverty.”
     But according to the Mental Health Foundation, taking up voluntary work or adopting a hobby may be just as effective in promoting good mental health.
    “Caring for others is often an important part of keeping up relationships with people close to you. It can even bring you closer together,” say experts from the organisation. “Concentrating on a hobby, like gardening or the crossword, can help you forget your worries for a while and change your mood. It can be good to have an interest where you’re not seen as someone’s mum or dad, partner or employee. You’re just you.”
    Challis told us that having interaction with friends and family is also important for good mental health.
Regards: Hamzatab

US Security Officials Quit Search For Chibok Girls

Boko Haram  Chibok Girls
US intelligence and security experts sent in to help Nigeria at the peak of the global outcry on the abduction of over 200 Chibok girls by Boko Haram mid last year have left the country without any significant success in their targeted mission. 
  The White House had held consultations with some leaders of the BringBackOurGirls movement late last year on the terrorist kidnap of the schoolgirls and US government’s inability to offer significant help.
   While the leading US newspaper, New York Times, ran a front page story on New Year day reporting that many of the US security officials have now left Nigeria, The Guardian can also reveal that a meeting was held late last year in the White House between one of the major leaders of the BringBackOurGirls movement based in Nigeria and a senior White House official, Mr. John Podesta, President Barack Obama’s Counsellor. 
    According to the New York Times report, “soon after the Islamist group, Boko Haram kidnapped nearly 300 teenage girls in Nigeria in April, the United States sent surveillance drones and about 30 intelligence and security experts to help the Nigerian military try to rescue them,” adding that seven months later many of those advisers have returned to the US, while the girls are still held captive. 
    In fact the paper said the top US General for its Africa Command, Gen. David M. Rodriguez, at the peak of the global outcry had “rushed from his headquarters,” in Germany to provide help on the Nigerian crisis. 
    The returning of many of the 30 US officials was after the Podesta White House meeting, according to very reliable sources, even as relations between both countries started to strain over the Boko Haram insurgency and the specific case of the rescue of the Chibok girls.
   The Guardian gathered that the belief in US circles are that one of the main factors that frustrated the US effort in helping Nigeria on the possible rescue of the Chibok girls was an apparent disconnect between the plans of the Presidency in Aso Rock to eventually ask for US help and the distrust of the American military on the part of the Nigerian Military High Command.
   According to authoritative sources, the White House meeting, which was initiated by the BringBackOurGirls movement, was a quest by the movement to get a first-hand account from the American government on why the US help has not been productive. 
    At the meeting, the US government official explained all the US has put on the table to support the Nigerian government and also discussed the limitations that White House was facing in terms of military assistance to the country.
   For instance, John Podesta explained at the meeting that based on the Leahy rules of the US government’s involvement with foreign military, the Nigerian military had to overcome tough restrictions to get US military assistance because of the allegations of human right abuses against the military. The Nigerian Ambassador to the US, Prof Ade Adefuye had severally denied many of those allegations here in the US over and again. But US sources said the American government remains unconvinced.
     It was the John Podesta White House meeting with the BringBackOurGirls movement that produced a rather detailed set of statements from the White House late last year on the several fronts and efforts of the US government to support and assist regarding the Chibok girls.
    While pro-Nigeria arguments in the US circles reject the position of the US government that it is limited in providing military assistance to the Nigerian military because of its perceived human right records, the anti-Nigerian sentiments here is that the Nigerian military is not keen on having US top military officers getting involved for fear of exposing some of its poor governance practices. 
    For instance, Ms. Sarah Sewall, the US undersecretary of state for civilian security, democracy and human rights, had last year told a US Congressional hearing that despite Nigeria’s $5.8bn security budget for 2014, “corruption prevents supplies as basic as bullets and transport vehicles from reaching the front lines of the struggle against Boko Haram.”
    The argument behind those sentiments are mainly that the Nigerian Military High Command simply distrusts the military, so much that when Aso Rock eventually decided to seek US and foreign assistance there were reported claims of a dampener to such a decision among some of Nigeria’s top military leaders.
    The fallout is that there is increasing tension between the US and Nigerian governments over the matter. Quoting a former US Assistant Secretary of State, Johnnie Carson, the New York Times reported that  “tensions in the U.S.-Nigeria relationship are probably at their highest level in the past decade.
    Johnnie Carson’s view is widely respected both in the US and Nigeria, because he was known to have a particularly positive relationship and considered as very pro-Nigerian government, while in office as the US State Department’s former top diplomat for Africa.
    But he warned in that New York Times’ report that now there is a “high degree of frustration” both in the US and Nigerian government side, adding  “this frustration should not be allowed to spin out of control.”
    In fact, recently the US announced that the Nigerian military called off one of its training assistance programme in the country. On the other hand, the US also refused to okay the sale of America attack helicopters-Cobra, to Nigeria.
    Another proof of the distrust between the US and Nigerian military, as revealed in the report is that US Africa Command officials are of the opinion that the Nigerian military is “corruption plagued, poorly equipped,” and is “in tatters.”
    It was also reported that American officials did not give their Nigerian counterparts raw intelligence data regarding the insurgency in Northeast Nigeria, “because they believe that Boko Haram has infiltrated the Nigerian security services,” a view the Nigerian President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan himself promoted in the not too distant past.
    New York Times added that “when the Pentagon did come up with what it calls “actionable intelligence” from the drone flights — for example, information that might have indicated the location of some of the girls — and turned it over to the Nigerian commanders to pursue, they did nothing with the information,” citing Africa Command officials.
    Besides that it was also alleged in the report, that when US General, Maj. Gen. James B. Linder, the head of American Special Operations forces in Africa, visited Nigeria in late October, “he was barred from visiting the base where American trainers were instructing the new Nigerian Army battalion created to help fight Boko Haram.”
    Providing details, the New York Times report said: “General Linder was left waiting at the gate in what some American officials viewed as another dig at the Pentagon.” But the report added that US Africa Command officials insisted that this particular case was a “coordination issue that was remedied with a meeting later in the day.